Archivi tag: religioni

Soka Gakkai, la replica dell’Istituto Buddista Italiano all’articolo HuffPost. E la controreplica dei due autori

Gianni Del Vecchio & Stefano Pitrelli, L’Huffington Post


Pubblichiamo la replica dell’Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai all’articolo apparso sull’Huffington Post lo scorso 26 giugno. Di seguito anche la contro replica degli autori, Gianni Del Vecchio e Stefano Pitrelli.

Continua la lettura di Soka Gakkai, la replica dell’Istituto Buddista Italiano all’articolo HuffPost. E la controreplica dei due autori

How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight

By Anthony Faiola and Chris Mooney / Mooney reported from Washington. Michelle Boorstein in Washington, Virgile Demoustier in Paris and Stefano Pitrelli in Rome contributed to this report.

Wearing a yellow raincoat, Pope Francis waves to the faithful as he arrives in Tacloban, Philippines, in January. (Wally Santana/AP)

It marked the latest blow for those seeking to stop the reform-minded train that has become Francis’s papacy. It is one that has reinvigorated liberal Catholics even as it has sowed the seeds of resentment and dissent inside and outside the Vatican’s ancient walls.

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis was about to take a major step backing the science behind ­human-driven global warming, and Philippe de Larminat was determined to change his mind.

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Release of encyclical reveals pope’s deep dive into climate science

By Anthony Faiola, Michelle Boorstein and Chris Mooney / Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Stefano Pitrelli and Pietro Lombardi contributed to this report.

VATICAN CITY — He warns of “synthetic agrotoxins” harming birds and insects and “bioaccumulation” from industrial waste. He calls for renewable fuel subsidies and “maximum energy efficiency.” And although he offers prayers at the beginning and end of his heavily anticipated missive on the environment, Pope Francis unmasks himself not only as a very green pontiff, but also as a total policy wonk.

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