Archivi tag: religioni

Pope Francis blasts global warming deniers in leaked draft of encyclical

By Michelle Boorstein, Anthony Faiola and Chris Mooney / Faiola reported from Berlin. Stefano Pitrelli in Rome and Sarah Pulliam Bailey in Washington contributed to this report.

A draft of a major environmental document by Pope Francis says “the bulk of global warming” is caused by human activity and calls on people — especially the world’s rich — to take steps to mitigate the damage by reducing consumption and reliance on fossil fuels.

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La culla della cristianità è sempre più vuota

Stefano Pitrelli, L’Huffington Post

Nel corso dei prossimi trentacinque anni l’Islam crescerà più in fretta di qualsiasi altra grande religione — cioè del 73% — e il numero dei musulmani nel mondo quasi raggiungerà quello dei cristiani, anche se quest’ultimo resterà ancora il “gregge” più folto.

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Vatican meeting on family walks back liberal language on gay couples, divorce

By Michelle Boorstein. Amy Brittain contributed to this report. Stefano Pitrelli contributed from Rome.

A major meeting Pope Francis convened to help the Catholic Church improve its outreach to diverse modern families ended Saturday with a summary paper that removed earlier, revolutionary language that cited the value of same-sex and divorced families.

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